Digital marketing has become a popular and consistent trend that is here to stay in the upcoming years. It is estimated that in the years to come, growing organizations are likely to spend a huge amount of marketing budget on digital marketing initiatives alone somehow equal to the amount spent on marketing through TV and other popular media.

Here are some of the big digital marketing mistakes to avoid in 2016.

1.) Poor Resource Planning and Allocation for Digital Marketing
Before investing a substantial amount of your marketing budget in digital marketing initiatives it is always important to understand your marketplace in terms of your competitors, customer demographics, marketing distribution channels and latest trends with respect to the demography and product related information.
Budget allocation is the key component of resource planning as it individually breaks your limited budget for various marketing channels.

2.) Undefined Digital Marketing Objectives
It is important to understand your marketing goals and what KPI’s one should use to assess their marketing success rate. It is important to perform a SWOT analysis for your digital marketing that clearly underlines your marketing objectives.

3.) Setting Unrealistic Expectations
Organizations of all sizes allocate a huge proportion of their marketing budget to digital marketing endeavors thereby expecting unrealistic and immediate results in terms of their online presence and popularity. This is a misconception as Digital campaigns too have a life cycle of development, optimization and improvement and take time to show successful results. Different digital marketing channels including Pay per click campaigns, SEO and Social media differ in their success rates.

4.) Inadequate Data Analysis and Tracking
The advents of new data analytics softwares simplify the task of marketing data analytics. Digital Marketing Firms are able to track and analyze every single dollar, every view and every single click for your marketing campaigns and measure ROI. Organizations that lag behind in data analysis loose a considerable number of potential customers for their business to their competitors.

5.) Forgetting Mobile Optimization
Smart phones have revolutionized the concept of digital marketing and have become the first source of online searches in the recent years. One of the online marketing mistakes that organizations commit is not keeping their website content mobile optimized. It is quintessential to stay updated with latest mobile algorithm changes for popular search engines so as to occupy good positions in SEO rankings.